Transplanted Texan is bang on! (Even a broken clock is right twice a day)
I normally dismiss the dillusional ramblings of our favourite member of the blogosphere
However, HE IS ON FIRE with his last two posts. Even I am forced to submit before the overwhelming logic of his arguments.
In his 'Rovian "Brilliance"' post he argues that Bush really should have won by a larger margin and I couldn't agree more. Bush had lots of great things going for him:
1) A war entered on false pretenses, horribly botched and spiraling out of control
2) Being the first president to preside over a net loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover.
3) The largest defecit in American history
4) The ability to turn massive global good will for the U.S. into almost universal disdain.
5) Subversion of both the U.S. constitution AND the Geneva convention
etc., etc.
Now you might say that #2 can't really be attributed to Bush because of 9/11. But, other presidents had to deal with the Cuban missile crisis, oil shocks, war in Vietnam and the massive riots and social unrest of the 60's without acheiving this distinction. So Bush really does deserve this accolade!!
The TT follows up this punishing right hook with a devestating uppercut warning the hordes of non-Jesus freak Americans fleeing to the Great White North. He quotes the Boston Globe:
How do you like your free speech -- well chilled? Canada has no First Amendment...
And he's absolutely right.
CANADA DOES NOT HAVE A 1st AMENDMENT!! Granted, some foolish turds might point out that Section Two of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Constitution Act 1982 states:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association.
But Section 2 is completely different from the First Amendment. It has a 2 in it, not a 1!!!
Furthermore the Canadian definition of defamation is ridiculous:
A defamatory statement exists if the publication tends to lower the plaintiff's reputation in the estimation of those who are commonly referred to as 'right thinking' members of society.
In the US, libel is:
a published or broadcast false and defamatory statement which damages the reputation of an individual.
This is obviously much better!!
as i came across this blog i wondered where the profiles were. then i realized.. its publicized by assholes that have much 2 much time & their hands. clearly ur brains consist of mush. ha.
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